Camping Tips
By Dave
This page is for your contribution
as well as ours. If you have any camping tips or advice
please email them to me here.
This page is not a camping
manual. It is meant to contain collective wisdom of our
players and should grow over time. It is hoped that even
experienced campers will see something of use here. OK!
OK! Some of you cannot afford a large tent or just have
too much to carry to manage one. Like everything else in
life it comes to a compromise. Hopefully this will help
you choose what you do and don't take when you see the problems.
I have been going to Mayfest
for years now and with one exception, when it was hot and
sunny every day, there has been at least a little rain.
We have had extremes. The festival often referred to as
Mudfest was the wettest. Ideal live role play weather is
dry but not hot.
Most events have some rain,
some sun and quite a lot of neither. Rain, however, usually
results in mud.
Wet Weather
Assuming you have checked
your tent beforehand to make sure it is waterproof and that
you know how to put it up, the first few tips are to help
combat rain and mud.
Make sure that your costume
has a waterproof outer garment. All too often I have seen
players at events with sodden robes and cloaks. Remember
that if your costume is wet and you have no alternative
then putting it on the following day is very unpleasant!
If you are lucky enough to
have the room try to bring spare costume. You do not have
to use it but at least you will have other dry things to
wear when they are needed.
Always have a set of dry
clothing to change into for that journey home. After a good
event leaving is often a bit of a downer but dry clothes
Have good footware. This
means waterproof and with a grip and have at least one spare
pair of socks (or whatever) for each day.
Now this tip will not suit
everyone, I sweat easily and so it is no good for me. Bring
a couple of waterproof poly bags big enough to fit over
the feet and wrap around your ankles. Put these on over
your socks - great for keeping rain out and socks dry. Remember
to use foot powder or talc on your feet first!
Use talc or foot powder on
your feet quite a bit - it absorbes moisure and thus keeps
your feet dryer. OK it won't deal with gallons of water
but it really does aid comfort and help prevent trench rot!
One lad suggests wiping your
boots with kitchen towels when you take them off and then
sticking a couple of the towels inside them while they are
not worn. Another lad suggests cleaning them and hanging
them up near the top of the tent where the air is warmer.
Use as large a tent as you
can. OK there are constraints on both cost and transport
room (especially if hiking or using public transport). You
can manage in a small dome tent (and many do) but a larger
tent means that you can hang up damp garments and you are
not sleeping virtually on top of them. If you are camping
as a group then you might have a communal tent where you
can change into and out of costume as well as air damp clothing/costume.
If so do use it. I have found that a large dome tent with
two double sleeping compartments works for me. I sleep in
one, store things in the other and can hang up damp gear
between them.
Remember if you have come
in a vehicle it likely provides a secure dry place to keep
Mud easily travels from one
bit of clothing to another. A usual example of this occurs
when folk get something from their tent. they open the front
and kneel down with their knees on the dry inside. Someone
outside says something to them and they sit back onto their
heels to answer. that is why so many folk get mud onto the
seat of their costume.
Reserve a patch of your tent
to keep muddy boots - near the opening is a good idea!
Bring quite a few extra plastic
carrier bags. These can be used to stand damp or muddy things
on and to keep them in - especially if in a cramped tent.
Try to air damp things when you can.
In wet weather the portable
toilets quickly get wet and muddy floors even though we
frequently clean them. If you can it is a good idea to wear
as little costume as is reasonable before you use them.
Though they may look fairly roomy they can soon become awkward
when cluttered with a huge latex weapon, armour, cloak and
other bits and pieces that have to be removed. Even without
a wet floor this can be awkward.
Hot Weather
The other unpleasant weather
condition that has happened at events is heat. If it is
hot a lot of costume becomes a bane! Lots of makeup (I am
thinking Drow here) can also add to discomfort. If you start
to feel unwell in such conditions go to the admin tent where
there will be help.Dehydration can result in headaches,
queasiness and even fainting. In hot weather it is a good
idea to make sure you drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids,
especially if you drink a lot of alcoholic ones!
A Rehydration mix is also
a good idea. The one I use to restore folk that are feeling
ill because of dehydration is made up as follows:
1. Take a pint of water.
2. Add two desert spoons of sugar and one of salt (euk!).
3. Add an eigth to a quarter pint of lime cordial.
Mix thoroughly. The resulting
drink is strangely palatable. People who have been sure
they were at death's door have been fully revived within
half an our or so of drinking this and have been feeling
better within ten minutes of drinking it.
Note : For
those of you who don't fancy the idea of a home made Rehydration
mix check out your local chemist or Boots they will probably
have a premixed branded version.
If you can have a hot weather
costume, as well as your normal one worn in cooler/damp
If possible completely change
before bed and ensure your body is dry. Arrange your costume
so that it will be in the best possible state for putting
on when you get up and get the clothes you will need straight
away at hand. The odds are when you wake up you will need
to make a quick trip to the toilet and finding a dry pair
of socks, say, under that corcumstance becomes a nightmare!
If you have large items that
need airing and they are too large to air in your own tent
ask the organisors or someone who has the room to hang them
up in their area. Most folk will help if they can!
Food and Drink
Food can be a bit of a problem
if you cannot get off site and are not relying on the caterers.
The event lasts longer than most milk keeps.
To events of this length
I usually bring food that will likely go off to eat on the
first days and food that will keep (canned, dehydrated and
long life) for the rest.
A hole in the ground in a
shady spot with a bucket of water in it and something to
cover it up is as good as a cool box - often better - for
keeping sealed things like milk in. They have to be sealed
as they are kept in the water!
Try not to keep food where
you sleep. Do your best to clear it up if you spill it in
your tent. Apart from the possibility of it going off and
smelling, it will attract insects as well as, maybe, farmer's
dogs, rodents and starving players! Best to have things
that completely seal up to keep food in.
Camping Stoves
So far at various events,
the following disasters have occurred because people lit
a small stove in their small tent:
The heat from the stove caused
the plastic at the top to melt slightly and loose it's ability
to keep out rain! I have seen an example where the top centre
of a small dome tent had melted away completely.
Everything became suddenly
damp due to condensation!
The tent had to be taken
down and put up again because of the gas that got into it
when the stove went out and no one noticed for a few minutes!
{How didn't they notice - that stuff stinks!}
The wind caused the tent
to shake that in turn caused the kettle/pan to fall off
the stove - the rest you can imagine. This is quite a regular
I think we can all imagine
a worse disaster. With very little imagination and skill
this can be avoided by lighting the stove and cooking just
outside the tent. Make sure the tent is pitched 'with its
back' to the prevailing wind. Erect a small 'shelter' just
outside the tent to put the stove in and use it to cook
with. One fella has a wooden box about two foot long, a
foot deep and a little over a foot wide. He brings a lot
of his gear in it. Once he has unloaded it he sets it up
outside his tent on its end just to one side of his doorway.
Thus he can sit in the front of his tent and cook on the
stove that sits in the box.
General tips:
Bring spare tent pegs. They
are usefull if you loose any from your tent and, if you
have brought spare string, you may need them to keep other
things up - like a flagpole say!
Another point! Role playing
often means dashing about avoiding the pointy bits of weapons.
This takes energy. Even the most fit of our players can
be caught out and need to recharge with a chocolate bar
or similar. Do make sure that you have such snacks handy
- just in case!
So far
these tips have come from nine people - let us see this
count go up!