LARP systems have to deal with problems ranging from injured
people to magic happening (its very hard to have strange
monsters and objects appear or magicians teleporting about
without destroying the 'surprise factor'), as a result Referee
Calls (or just Ref Calls) were created to help manage
large groups of people and situations. Basically when a
referee shouts something people should listen and do it
if its relevant to them.
this can slow some situations down so fast calls came into
being to allow for this, we present here a short list of
what to do when you hear a ref (or in some cases a player)
a couple of Safety Calls!
two calls can be made by anyone (Ref or Player) and ignoring
them is not only foolish but dangerous.
important safety call made when a person is hurt or
a person is very likely to get hurt. When this call
is heard EVERYONE should stop and see who/where the
incident is, if it is nearby you should stay stopped
while the person is helped. If the person or incident
is a reasonable distance away and/or not too serious
play continues BUT keep an ear out for further information
from Refs. If a serious problem has occured in all
likelyhood you will shortly after hear a call of 'Time
Out' (see below).
not as important as 'Man Down' this call comes a close
second. Not everyone is covered by thick armour or is
able to take thumping blows, if someone says or shouts
this at you it means they feel you are hitting too hard.
This is not a insult or a whine LARP is not reality
therefore there is no need to strike a person with
anything but a light tap, the only thing that matters
is that the people fighting acknowledge the hit (see
'Take your hits' on the glossary
page) |
happens when a ref shouts....
call declares the live action roleplay to have begun,
at this point all players should be pretending to
be their characters. This call is usually given at
the start of the event and later if the event or area
of the event is stopped for some reason (like someone
being injured or 'Time Freeze' being called).
OUT' |
call declares the live action roleplay to have stopped,
at this point all players should no longer be pretending
to be their characters. |
call declares to the players they should stop and
close their eyes (sometimes it is encoraged to hum,
whistle, sing/talk quietly to prevent players getting
too good an idea of things happening around them)
at this point basically the game has stopped and some
'surprise event' has occured, usually some monsters
appearing either from a spell or from being 'hidden'
it is prefered for players to follow this rule fully,
it is not vital people close their eyes, what is vital
though is when 'Time In' is called you act realistically
to the event thats happened, all to often people will
look at the monster/s being brought in and draw swords
or get into a defensive position facing the creature
before 'Time In' is called.