Welcome to LarpWeb!
The object of this site
is twofold; to inform people about Live Action Role Play
and to provide a service for those that enjoy and service
the hobby.
Have you ever wanted to
be someone else? A hero who saves the world? A detective
who solves amazing murders? A ghost hunter who deals with
hauntings? A Vampire? A Roman soldier? A Celtic warrior?
A Native American Indian? A mighty mage? An Elf? A spy?
A space marine? The Live Action Role Play hobby gives you
the chance to be any of these and more!

In the picture above you
can see many different types of character. These people
have got together for a Live Adventure Role Play festival.
Notice the 'Adventure' instead of 'Action' there? Adventure
role play is just one of the many types of L.A.R.P. that
folk can enjoy. (The picture was taken at the Mayfest of
Live role play is derived
from the table top roleplay games like Dungeons and Dragons.
Although we run our own
fantasy sytem, this site is not limited to just that but
is servicing all types of systems. If you want to learn
more of the different types, head over to the links
How are we providing a service?
In three ways so far; Our 'how to' sections are there to
help the player prepare for an event and enjoy it more when
they go on it, many links are provided to other sites, some
not even specialising in larp items but of use to the larper,
and for those involved in servicing the hobbey but who have
no web page we will host a small site.
Any organisation involved
in the hobby or servicing the hobby in any way may contact
us. All we ask is that you have appropriate permissions
to run an event (including insurance - it's only sensible)
and we will happily list you on our site.